Enjoy premier Teppanyaki no-menu dishes. Fresh ingredients are sizzling on the teppanyaki plate. Experience a delicious feast for all five senses.
Package Content Accommodation ──
One night stay in Fleur de Chine room.
Delicacies ──
NT$2,980 Teppanyaki dinner and buffet breakfast.
Activities ──
Exclusive seasonal free DIY offerings. Our event staff will guide you to enjoy hands-on activities (Depending on seasonal substitutions, with the official website announcement as authoritative).
Amenities ──
Free use of the Gym, fun at our Water World, relax in the the Mountain Mist Hot Springs, family fun at the Cloud Forest (Children's Playground) , and the Noble Hill outdoor recreation area. Enjoy our Italian Blupura sparkling water machine, with unlimited access to pure and healthy micro-mineral sparkling water, for both normal temperature and ice water.
Convenience ──
One round trip shuttle bus from the Taichung High-Speed Rail Station to Fleur de Chine
【Shuttle Schedule】 Attractions ──
Single day tour around the Lake, take in all the sights along Sun Moon Lake on the Nantou Bus.