We present top class teppanyaki chefs to personally make your delicacy, coming up with new refreshing flavorings, particularly in making use of the original taste of the prized ingredients to present the fine taste of the food.
※Awarded the 1st "Muslim Friendly Restaurant" in the Sun Moon Lake area.
The customization service for Muslim meals requires advance preparation of ingredients. If you need this service, please make a reservation at least 3 days in advance.
Opening Hours & Price
Time:11:00~12:30, 12:30~14:00. Reservation required one day prior before 17:00 to the arrival date.
※NT$5,980 and NT$6,980 set menus include selected seafood ingredients. Please reserve at least three days in advance (excluding holidays).
NT$1,980+10%/ per person
NT$2,980+10%/ per person
NT$3,980+10%/ per person
NT$5,980+10%/ per person
NT$6,980+10%/ per person(Please reserve before 3 days)
Children NT$880+10%/ per person
Time:17:00~19:00, 19:30~21:30. Reservation required before 14:00 on the arrival date.
※NT$5,980 and NT$6,980 set menus include selected seafood ingredients. Please reserve at least three days in advance (excluding holidays).
NT$2,980+10%/ per person
NT$3,980+10%/ per person
NT$5,980+10%/ per person
NT$6,980+10%/ per person(Please reserve before 3 days)
Children NT$880+10%/ per person
Private room:1
Dress code
A smart casual look is all you need.
Recommended Attire for Men
Trousers / Khaki Pants / High-Quality Jeans / Shorts
Dress Shirts / Sweaters / Polo Shirts
Sneakers / Casual Shoes
Recommended Attire for Women
Dresses / Skirts (Long and Short) / Shorts
Blouses / Sweaters
Flats / Casual Shoes / Low Heels
Please refrain from wearing the following attire and accessories upon entry
Slippers / Pajamas / Bathrobes / Swimwear